Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Waiting for Toogs blog about his Olympic Distance

Paul and Craig finished their 5430 on Sunday and I'm just awaiting their race breakdown. In the meantime I am still pushing forward to Sodus on August 17th. Drew and I plan on hitting the course one or two times before then and maybe I will be able to convince Paul to go for a ride with me while he is there. As for my training update, Sunday was very rainy with many thunderstorms so I went for a 5 mile run between fronts. It was hazy, hot, and humid. I don't like being that guy showing off with no shirt on, but after a while it became a necessity in dealing with the heat. Other than feeling like a fried egg, the run went well and was surprisingly quick for the conditions. Yesterday I think I was feeling both Saturday and Sunday efforts so I slothed most of the day, but after dinner I decided to go for an easy bike ride. I wish I could stick with my plans to go easy as I only wanted to ride about 17 miles, but I ended up going 26 miles averaging 19.6 mph for the ride. I just found a rhythm and was the most comfortable I have ever been in my aerobars so off I went. This morning I got up early and did the 5 mile trot again. Finally a run without scorcing humidity. The calf pain resurfaced and was radiating into the knee, but it did disappear as I pushed on so I am going to stick with the ice treatment and press on to August 17th.

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