Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Save it for tomorrow

For some stupid reason my legs still felt a bit sore and tired this morning. Therefore I decided to take a 5 mile stroll and just try and loosen things up. Finally a decision that paid off. While I was tight for most of the easy run, I could feel the legs getting better with each step. This is good because tomorrow is training run session #2 with the x-country boys. I need to be on the game with them tomorrow as we will be doing 1/2 mile intervals. I can't decide if we should do 6 or 8 of them, but considering it is preseason I will probably shoot for the 8 but require them to keep the pace down. We are in the base building phase trying to build up volume right now, while occassionally sprinkling in some speed. As their season progresses so will the intensity while we will start to back off on the volume a bit. I think to get my legs right I will go for a quick bike in the morning instead of my normal morning run. I had a better eating day today, but after my morning run I wasn't really that active as I had some other commitments I really wanted to tend to. Hopefully I can build on that.

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