Monday, July 14, 2008


After talking about how much I enjoyed the Boilermaker at about an 85% effort, I sure didn't enjoy today. My freaking quads are very sore and I don't like it. I guess that is what you get when you stand around at the finish line getting caught up in the excitement while waiting for your friends and totally neglect cooling down or static stretching. I am a freak about making sure I at least do an adequate cool down after any session, but that went by the wayside yesterday and now I remember why I am a freak. Anyways, I hopped on the bike today because there was no desire to run. An easy 23 mile cycle to try and get that lactic acid out of my legs. Legs do feel marginally better now...thank goodness. One thing I do have to refocus on now is my diet. I have had an insatiable appetite since the 70.3 tinman. I am back at my pre race weight and starting to even push the needle a bit further. Man I love that all natural Turkey Hill mint chip ice cream!!!! Just one more bowl please mom???

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