Thursday, July 17, 2008

Boilermaker pics in and kids are impressed

The Boilermaker pics are in. Across the top are Geoff, Kelly, and neighbor Ellen. Don't we all look great? Anyways yesterday I biked 18 in the morning the rested up to run 1/2 mile intervals with the x-country kids. We were running at 75% effort with a goal of just reminding our legs what it was like to run fast and to break their monotony of simply putting in base building mileage. The front of the pack did their 6 intervals at about 2:35 - 2:40. Where I was running I was aiming for 2:55 - 3:00 and I hit it everytime. It felt really good to let the legs just go and still know that if I had to hammer one I could at anytime. One thing I did notice from my run in the Boilermaker was that my legs just didn't seem to want to go fast. I've got to force the speed work. Anyways today is my typical Thursday rest/easy day, so I hit the pool and did some stroke work and some speed intervals. My legs are still thanking me for not pounding the road. Anyways here is my Boilermaker picture. I swear I spent the entire race looking for those guys with the camera so I would have a good pic for the blog. I posed for everyone and everything, and the one picture they post of me is one where I'm looking somewhere else. Must have been a bellydancer over there!!!!

1 comment:

chrissy said...

I think it is awesome how you are training and doing the tri's. I also think it is great that you understand how it feels to hammer out a hard day and need the slow easy day afterwards. I can see you being an awesome coach. And I bet the kids respect you more because you know what its like to train hard. You also understand that not everyone is going to be the best. only that they give their best. You rock!!