Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Short day funny clip

I only did a little swimming with Ethan today, whom for the record had a momentous day, and a little run. Let's focus on Ethan though. Today on our swim he was determined to swim laps with me and did so for about 10 minutes. Sad thing is I am not much faster than him...I wish I was kidding. After that I wanted him to work on going under water without plugging his nose and to his credit he did it without a whimper and started to realize he could actually swim with his face in the water. We must have done that for about 20 minutes, then we played a game of can you understand what I am saying under the water. It started out nice by saying things like Mommy, Daddy, Ethan, Tessa then he degenerated and started saying butt, booger, junk etc. While it was a good laugh I also new it was time to go. The big news of the day has to be the fact he lost his first tooth today. He was eating mint chip ice cream and complained one of the chips was too hard to chew. He spit out the chip only to find out it was his tooth. He was so relieved that there was no pain associated with losing the tooth, because when it was first loose he was very nervous. All in all it was a relaxed day given I had to work and had our last x-country session of the summer.

I hope this works but click the link for a funny little Anheuser Busch real Belgian hero treat.

1 comment:

chrissy said...

I think that is so cool that he will one day kick your butt swimming. I wish we had more time in a pool as kids. Congrats on the tooth yay!!